It shouldn’t be your curse still to opt for an conventional method of computing | at a times when disruption is happening in almost every mean of our life, with disruptive technologies we become more agile, more wise, more efficient and more productive.. this is the mantra we should add up to our lives.

Server based computing is no more a ethnic style of computing with limited | Reduced functionality to its big brother (PC) --- Technologies has evolved to an extent that now it has surpassed the big brother in all dimensions.
AL-500 boasted with Remote Desktop Protocol 8.1 with Remote FX is a powerful Zero Client (aka Thin Client) brings better than PC experience at just one third of the PC costs whether it may be for running a single task low weight applications or a multi tasking heavy weight applications.
AL-500 has clearly segmented the industry before & after | before AL-500 HD computing was a dream in shared computing technologies but the advent of AL-500 has made HD computing a norm in this league.
we eat our own dog food
Al-500 in
The modern day demands for a modern workplace. It’s not just the people who are adapting to technology, but also companies. Meet AL-500, the world’s first multi-media Thin client which revolutionized computing for businesses. The scalability, security and manageability of AL-500 are far superior to the traditional workplace which demands a lot of attention and space.
This PC replacement technology allows businesses to explore the benefits of a simplified IT infrastructure with a flexible and dynamic environment. With 300% savings on hardware, operations and maintenance support, Al-500 helps maximize benefits of desktop virtualization and DaaS initiatives for SMBs and large enterprises across different industries.
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The AL-500 is the ideal solution for the education industry to bring powerful technology and systems to every desk in the classroom. Schools can implement a rich computing experience for their students while providing a secured and centralized end-user setting control.
The AL-500 allows education sectors to create a dynamic environment and enhance student learning while reducing their overall maintenance and management cost. We provide customized education settings for AL-500 that is based on the school’s unique environment requirements. With a personalized product, schools can ensure that they gain the maximum potential of the Thin clients that is manageable and under their control.
placing options

key features
RDP 8.1 with Remote FX
HD DisplayUnlimited Clients
Per ServerBroad USB
Peripherals SupportPC Class Performance
Play HD Movies in Full ScreenGreen Computing
5 Watts Power ConsumptionSecure USER Data
StorageSlim Design
A Quiet, Work-friendlyZero Foot Print
Mount Behind Monitor